Tuesday 29 May 2012

weather : birds r singin'

This meditation and its method of subtraction is for everyone.
It is truly universal.

But here is the thing.
Let's say that there's a always-work medication for constipation.
This patient who got a chronic constipation needs to go to restroom unless he will die.
-It is very important thing, I don't think I need to explain about this.-
There is a cure.
He just need to take this pill.
He needs to take the pill himself, nobody can do it for him.
Even this 100% guaranteed cure would be useless if he doesn't take it.
Does that make sense?

For Maum Meditation also,
this method works. Since 2010, more than 15,000 people finished the study I heard.
Each one of them must have confirmed that
human mind which is accumulation of false pictures can be discarded.
Then you live with true mind forever.
But I need to DO it.
The destination is so clear, all the signs along the path are correct, then I just
have to walk.
Walk until I get to the destination.

So you need patience.

There is no meaning if I stop in the middle, really.

Korean people say that bear is considered to be very patient animal from their old myth.
Be patient like a bear.
It is the time when anyone can become Truth and live as Truth.

Monday 21 May 2012

weather : saffron

A short-and nice I think-video introducing what Maum Meditation is.
This is basically what you will get in the first introductory seminar.
I still recommend you to book for the free seminar in any local center
near you though. 
Because I believe you could get the feeling better as you see the people's face
who throw away the false mind.
That happiness comes from not having things but throwing away the burdens.

Human comes alone, dies alone,
you don't carry money, love, family or anything when you die.
What is the meaning of life?
There is certainly a meaning why you born in this world and it is not just
to live 70 to 80 average human life in agony.

It is astonishing because all the answers I was looking for, even
for the questions I haven't realized that I had, 
so clearly and simply came as I cleanse the false mind.

Ok I stop here.
bonne journée everyone :)

Thursday 17 May 2012

weather : amazing

While I was meditating today,
I realized why I am who I am right now.

Human mind is accumulation of pictures taken with
self-centered viewpoint through one's life.
Where human is living is inside of this picture world he made up.

This is how you are the person who you are now.
Do you know where I'm coming from?

If you are stuck in the picture world,
that's all you see.
You would never know the true world and that's why
there can't be a right solution.
There is no righteousness in the copied world.
It is not real, it is only a copy of it.
No matter how it feels like real,
picture is no more than a picture.

To be trapped in there,
I was blind basically.
You can't really think of another world otherwise than
what you have inside because
that's all you've got.

Now that I'm getting to know the true world,
on my way there,
I also getting to know how dark it is, the false world.
There is no meaning, I didn't know anything.

With the simple method of subtraction in Maum Meditation,
I can get out of that false world.

I hope you could join me.
This world is beautiful,
is already enlightened.
It is only human who turned back on the true world
thus suffered out of things which do not exist.

These photos are Korean traditional style house which called Han-oak.
I think it's beautiful. :)

Sunday 13 May 2012

weather : picnic

May the world full of true love comes!

I apologize for the late update. I've been flying from this side of the
earth to the other side lately...
It is always so pleased to meet people who are walking the same path
towards Truth.
I am so grateful.

Such a beautiful day.
Thank you I love you Mom.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

weather : sun is gone with the wind

A Korean student at the Maum Meditation center 
translated this article on Maum Monthly for me. 
thank you :)  

Looking in a mirror Steve Jobs asked himself every morning for more than 30 years
the question "If today were the last day of my life, would I wanna do what I am about to do today?"
"Your time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trap by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drowned out your own inner voice. And the most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

Money, degrees, beauty, career, the perfect wedding...

What we are seeking tend to gratify the outside factors rather than inner joy.

What do I really want? Most people are lost in regrets for past, discontent in present, worrying about future.
They can't even answer to what they really want.
If I have encountered a rude worker in the convenience store this morning,
what she said is still bothering all day even though those words do not exist now.
A psychiatrist named Warren said that normal people speak to themselves with 1,300 words per minute speed.
People are living in their mind worlds being swayed by thoughts which constantly come up.
To listen to the inner voice, heart, you first have to clear those thoughts which never stop speaking to itself.

Take your time to think about the moment when you felt the happiest.
When I was surrounded by great nature, when I look at the baby, when I finished the hard task,
when I helped someone without any price.
People usually think that being well-off is a good life, but that happiness doesn't last.
Money, career and so on. Even though I achieved my goal, that excitement lasts shortly
and I get back to struggle to keep what I've got.
Paradoxically, when I let things go, I feel fullness.
If you want to find a real life, you have to keep practice to get out of stereotyped mind of my own
which is myself.